Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


This is part of our new kitchen!  This was taken with my phone, so the coloring is a tad off.  But, seriously, what's not to love about this kitchen!!!!  See that door?  That's the pantry!  There is also another set of cabinets on the other side, plus where the fridge goes. 

I promise to share actual pictures when we move in.  :)

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d.a.r. said...

Oh that kitchen is drool-worthy!!!

B.o.B. said...

i love it! can't wait to see more photos.

Jennifer Owens said...

Ok. I have kitchen envy. (o:

Brandi said...

Oh I love the cabinets and the counter! I can't wait to see the rest of the house!

WannabeRunner said...

oohhhh LOVE LOVE it.l

Christina said...

Love it. Love that big island. :)

ms. mindless said...

AMAZING!!!!!!! Like, seriously amazing!!! How exciting!

Lindsay said...
