This is Rocky, our Jack Russell. This is the dog that decided to tear off his jacket last week, because he was too hot....
Our weekend revolved around this dog. I came home Friday and before I could even get out of my Tahoe, the neighbor was walking across the yard to tell me that Rocky had dug under the fence and into their back yard. He then found a board that wasn't nailed down and escaped from their backyard. So now, my lovely dog was roaming the apartment complex that is behind our house. Btw, we live inside the city limits, so if the animal people were to find him, they'd take him to the animal shelter. Lovely.
So, I found Rocky and loaded him into the SUV and we went home. I then found something to plug the holes (more than one!) in the backyard so that he couldn't escape again. Yeah, right. While I was on the phone with hubs (who was still at work), Rocky escaped again. So, hubs came home and we plugged the holes again. Rocky stayed in our yard all night Friday night (we think).
Saturday morning, he escaped and came and pounced on the front door to let us know he was out. That's something he does each time. Crazy dog. So, out of frustration, we decided to get an electrical fence and install it around our wooden fence. So, hubs spent about $100 and 3 plus hours installing said fence. Then, Rocky ran into it. He yelped like crazy and that was enough to send me into tears. That electrical fence stayed up for a whole 5 minutes before I unplugged it. Don't worry, hubs wasn't mad.
So, after Rocky escaped yet again on Saturday and Sunday, we decided to further ghetto-fy our fence by adding pieces of boards nailed onto the bottom of the fence where he dug his escape tunnels. Pretty soon our entire fence will have those boards nailed on the bottom...
On a side note, we purchased a new jacket for the escape artist... I'll snag a picture of that soon and a picture of our other dog. I'm sure he's feeling neglected since all our time has been spent chasing the convict.

Bad dog! :) But they're too cute to stay mad at for too long, huh?!
Oh the electric fence was for his own good. Sometimes you have to have tough-live for kids/pets!! Hopefully if he was to be picked up by the shelter they'd read his tags and call you? Or is that expecting too much of them... I hope you got him a "straightjacket" this time :)
I am with you girl on a few of the truth topics. We'll see if I make through the list, at all
oh dear. i hope something works out. we once had an escape artist dog. had to attach and bury chicken wire along the entire 650 linear foot fence that encloses our back yard. it lasted about 3 months before said dog found a way out again. sigh.
oh dear. i hope something works out. we once had an escape artist dog. had to attach and bury chicken wire along the entire 650 linear foot fence that encloses our back yard. it lasted about 3 months before said dog found a way out again. sigh.
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