Monday, October 25, 2010

Worst Race Of My Life

Official Time:  3:01:05
Official Feeling:  Kill Me Now!  Worst pace of my life.
Overall:  Thankful that wasn't my first half marathon or else I'd vow to never do another.  LOL

I'll have a race recap up tomorrow hopefully! 

Thanks to all that donated and for all the comments! 

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Aishlea said...

Oh, girl. You did it though! You should be proud you finished, especially after not getting to run and train like you wanted to! I'm proud of you! :)

Lindsay said...

At least you didnt give up! And we all have to have one Worst race, may as well make the most of it right? ;)

Lisa said...

Oh no, so sorry to hear this but at least you finished and that counts for a lot.

Jen Feeny said...

Oh noes!!! Sorry to hear that girl!!! Stay strong, learn your lessons from the race and file it away never to revisit again!

Heather said...

You finished and you looked good and that is the bottom line!!! I am so glad we got to meet in person! And YES---I am so glad you "stole" the picture!! I meant to e-mail it to you! :)