I might look like a smurf, but I love it! This is my absolute favorite color! The purple ribbon in the corner will be worn in my hair in memory of my Grammy. She loved purple. I love the thought of having her with me every step of the way. I miss her dearly and everytime I see a US Postal truck, I think of her.
As far as race goals go, I honestly have no idea. Seriously, no idea. I'm going to shoot for last year's time of 2:45:30 or faster. I'm really really hoping that the adrenaline will help me out and that somehow I'll pull through. I'm being serious when I say that Grad School put a HUGE dent in my training this year. But, I'm already thinking of doing the LR Half Marathon in March to redeem myself. We shall see peeps! We shall see!
Wish me luck and think of me tomorrow! I'll post when I get the chance and let ya'll know my unofficial (or official) time! Have a great weekend and good luck to everyone else racing!

Have a great race. I love bright colors like that!
Good Luck with the race! Can't wait to hear how you did!!
Good luck! :) You will look great even if you don't feel it! ha... I hope you have a great race and feel great the whole way!
good luck good luck!!
I love the bright color! Blue is one of my favorite colors! I should be able to spot you for sure!! :) You are going to do great!!! Don't cuss me if I'm overly excited and cheering when I see you though. Hopefully that will just pump you up for the last half of the race!
Good luck! You're going to do great!
Love it! Good luck!!!
Oh I like!!! Good luck, I hope you rock it :)
I LOVE that color!!! You are going to do great!!! Can't wait to see you!
woohoo! finish in style =)
love it! so cute :) good luck and have fun!
Best of luck girl!
LOVE the colors! Wishing you loads of luck!!!!
Good luck tomorrow!!!
Hope you had a great race today!
I totally thought of you today! It was so SUPER rainy and there was a tornado! Are you ok?
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