It's been a while since I've done 3 Things Thursday!
- Hubs has had dinner with the bosses the last two nights. This means that I haven't seen my husband since Sunday and of course I wont see him tonight due to school. I've been using my time wisely though - my homework is complete, the house a little cleaner, I started reading again for fun (like 5 pages, but still!), and I went to bed at 7:45 last night! I slept like a baby! I feel almost human this morning! Hooray!
- I can not wait for tomorrow night! Friday nights are our "date nights." We don't really call them that, but that's how I think of them. It's the one night that I don't think about school and we go out to eat at Larry's Pizza then come home and catch up on all of our shows together! I love it and look forward to it each week!
- I haven't cooked dinner all week since hubs has been hanging with the bosses and coworkers. By the way, I was invited to go, but I knew that they wouldn't be done eating until way past my bedtime - and I was right!! Anyways, this week I've had a kid's cheeseburger meal, Ramen noodles, and hub's leftovers from the first co-worker dinner. Tonight though, I'm making Sloppy Joes and some steamed squash before heading off to school - I'm craving them! Yum!
Love the idea of "date nights"! Have fun!
Yay for getting some good sleep last night!
Friday is also our date night. We're plan to watch "The Social Network" =p
Have fun tomorrow =)
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