Friday, December 17, 2010

Back To Our Regular Scheduled Program...

I know I've been kind of hit and miss for the last few weeks, but we all know that's due to the crazyness of grad school and working full time (and life).  Well peeps, this semester is officially over!  I should get my grades sometime next week!

What does this mean?!  Until January 19th, I'll get to do some of the following:
  • Read books for fun.
  • Watch tv and movies.
  • WORKOUT!!!!
  • Hang out with my hubs and family and not think "I really need to be studying/doing homework."
  • Not stress out over school.
  • Do whatever I want and just enjoy a stress free time!
Also, I'd like to mention that I've done something I consider smart....  I'm only taking one class next semester instead of two, because I need a break from the crazyness and I've heard that Organizational Behavior is HARD and time consuming! 

So, all of this to say... Thanks for sticking around - I'll be back to my normal self starting NOW!  Have a wonderful weekend!  I'm leaving work early today!

Oh, and PS... My awesome coworker made me homemade brownies as a congrats on finishing the semester!  Be jealous :)

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Lorrie said...

I'm so happy for you that you have finished this semester of grad school. I hope that you have a blessed and restful Christmas break. Love ya girl!

Anonymous said...

Brownies. Yum!!

Hope the 1 class is easier than the 2. I always do 2 and it gets tough but in order to keep my financial aid I have to keep 2. Wish I could just cut down to one

Amber @ A Little Pink in the Cornfields said...

I'm looking forward to reading books for fun too! I'm glad you made it through the semester! I forgot how good it feels!! Love it! :)