Monday, May 9, 2011

Exciting News!

On Thursday, we got an offer on our house!  We countered the offer Friday morning and Friday afternoon they accepted!

Then Friday afternoon we put in an offer on the house we wanted and after LOTS of countering we accepted their counter on Saturday afternoon!

We are moving in June!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's all keep our fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!  Let the fun begin!  We're getting all the documents and paperwork together that's needed for the contract and lots of other "fun" stuff! ha!  I believe the inspection on our "old" house is sometime this week or next! 

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Aishlea said...

YAY!!!! How exciting!!! :) I can't wait to see your new house!

Brandi said...

Yay!! Congrats! I know this is a huge relief for you!!

d.a.r. said...

Yeah yeah yeah!!! Congrats!!

Tyly said...


Unknown said...

I knew the good news was that you sold your house! Congratulations. Now, start packing!

WannabeRunner said...


Lauren@ Not Your Average Southern Belle said...

Congratulations lady!

Lindsay said...

Hooray!! So awesome that the pieces are falling together. Truly a blessing.

Jordy Liz said...

congrats! :)

Amanda said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! It was definitely meant to be :)

Lauren McKnight said...

Yay! Where in Conway are you moving? Our house just sold too, but the person buying our house can't move until late July/early August so we'll be buying a house in June.

gv said...

Woohoo!!! Congrats my friend.