Well, I was a bit concerned about last night's run. The weather station said the humidity was above 70% and it was 87 degrees out - meaning it felt like 97 degrees (they said). I didn't want a repeat of Tuesday night. So, I was worried.
Worried for no good reason. Hubs and I ventured out there and I can honestly say that was the best weather we've had for a run in a while. Don't get me wrong, the air was still thick and hot, but it wasn't near as bad as it has been. So below you'll see my stats:
Not nearly as bad as Tuesday, but still not up to my usual pace. But, I'm thrilled still. I was dead tired and didn't feel like running, but I made myself do it. Also, something to note, I did 4 & 1 and kept to it, only taking two unscheduled stops. :) Now, let's hope that tomorrow's 4 miler will be better! I'm a much better runner in the mornings than the evenings, but due to my work schedule I can't possibly get up any earlier to go running - I get up at 4am just to go to work!! So, I'm really excited about Saturday's run - even though we're meeting up at 8am and I think that's a tad too late. It's already starting to get hot by that time!
Anywho, tonight is either biking or yoga - I haven't made my mind up yet. Hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend!!
Shrimp Saganaki
1 hour ago
Awesome job getting out there! It must have felt good to have a better run.
Good for you for running even when you didn't feel like it :)
Dead tired and didn't feel like running, but you did it anyway. You SHOULD be thrilled. Good job!!!
Good for you for staying on the fit train! It's so hot right now that no one is on their usual pace. I think yoga sounds amazing right now. My legs are shot.
Great job on the run... I don't know how you did it with the humidity. I just can't do it. Enjoy your evening workout tonight!
Great job on the run. Glad the Central AR humidity wasn't too bad for you. It will surely be decent weather in the AM for your run.
I tried power yoga for the first time yesterday. UM WOW! I had no idea how hard it was! What a workout.
Good job!!!
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