This weekend seemed to have a theme... Golf!
On Friday, we decided to have dinner at one of our favorites - Olive Garden. We hadn't been there in a while and were long overdue for Italian food. The food was alright, but the people behind us - definitely spoiled our nice little dinner. They were on vacation from somewhere up north (accents) and were extremely rude and loud. They were a family of 5 and everyone was constantly talking. The youngest of the bunch had some kind of portable device that played cartoons LOUDLY. Which, btw, was annoying as heck. Plus, the father, complained about everything and demanded he not pay for their drinks because the salad came out before them. So, his total bill? $16 for a family of 5 - at Olive Garden - because of his constant complaints! Anyways, they were loud and obnoxious and I should've asked to be moved. To make it worse, they left as we were finishing our dessert, so we had to listen to them the whole time. And yes, we totally fell off the fit train. Don't laugh. LOL
Saturday, I had to work till 4pm. But afterwards, I met hubs in Hot Springs and we went to On The Border with his mom and her friend. The food was great (I was starving, too) and the company was a lot of fun. I like eating out with them - it's never boring. Afterwards, we went and played Putt-Putt. Of course, I was dead last... I did horrible, but had so much fun! We ended up making it home sometime after 9 - so I got NO housework done on Saturday - which is usually my "hurry up and clean" day.
Sunday morning, we went and played 18 holes of golf (the real kind) with my parents. It was the young ones (us) vs the old ones (them)! We had a lot of fun and my golf game is improving - I can chip great, but other things need work - like my aim! Afterwards, I went grocery shopping, picked up some dinner, did two loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and read for about an hour. Then, it was time to go to bed!! Btw, I do go to bed early - like 8:30 - but remember I get up between 3:45-4AM. Boooooo.
So, we played a lot of golf...and the house is a complete disaster! A few odd details to throw in there - the Strep is completely gone now, Bear is at the Vet getting his last treatment today, and I'm considering reading the Harry Potter Series. Has anyone read them and should I give it a try?? Oh, and the fit train is back on (again) and tonight calls for 2 miles (maybe more) depending on if it rains!
Sorry it was such a long post! Hope you stuck through it!
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
1 day ago
Ugh. That really sucks about those annoying people at Olive Garden. For a fancier place like that, I can't believe they let people stay there that are so loud. What a waste! :( Sometimes I say override the whole "customer service" aspect and boot those people! ha ha
Glad you had a great weekend overall!
HA-glad you thought of me this weekend with all those geese. I have only played golf once and it was by force at a work function
Oh Olive Garden alfredo dipping sauce=love! Sounds like you had a great weekend and some good eating! It's okay to fall of the fitness wagon every now and then. I am a BAD influence so don't listen to me. Have a great week!
Absolutely you need to read the HP series. Love love LOVE them. :)
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