First off, I'd like to say Happy 18
th Birthday to my little sister! I'm stunned that she's actually 18, since I still think of her as being 4 years old! I just can't believe that my baby sister will be attending college at my a
lma mater in a few short weeks. It just doesn't seem right. But alas, she is. So, Lil Sis, I hope today is the greatest day and that this year brings all you've ever hoped for and more! I remember my 18
th year and it was full of new experiences and feelings. I hope it's even better for you! *I'm not sure if she reads my blog, but she will
kill me for this picture that I stole from her
Facebook page!
On another note, I've decided to post a few pictures of Bear, our Golden Retriever who has become an inside dog for the time being. Bear, enjoy being inside, come August 10
th you're sugar butt will be outside (if all goes right)!! Not to sound mean, I do love that dog more than one should ever love a pet, but I'd like my
loveseat back!! Plus, Rocky would love his big brother to come back outside! He whines/howls every single day. Poor dog.
His kitchen towel bandanna!
How he spends most afternoons and nights.

*Caution: Nude Dog* Him sprawled out on the loveseat.

He decided to grace me (crush me) with his presence.

And yet another crushing...

This is his "This recliner is mine." look.

And yet another
loveseat pose.

Right before he destroyed his toy duck.

Happy Bday to your sis. 18! Wow. Fun times.
Bear is adorable. I love his come hither naked dog photo.
Awwww he is soooo cute!!!!
What a handsome boy! Fenway has taken to sneaking on the very bottom of the bed at night... it's almost too funny to stop!
LOL, obviously you're sitting on his furniture and not the other way around. :)
Happy Birthday to your sis!!
And Bear is so darn cute!! He looks like he has a ton of personality. You may have trouble getting him back outside. :)
SO cute Shannon!! Happy Bday to your sis! I just cracked up so hard when I saw Bear on top of you, because Buddy sometimes thinks he is a "lap dog"! :)
He's cute and you look great! Happy Birthday Sister!
happy birthday to your sister!
love the pics of the pup! he's so cute
OhMyGosh - love the dog photos. :-)
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