I'm having a mid-life crisis. I've always laughed at people who said they were going through a mid-life crisis, but now, I know what they were talking about.
I'm not exactly sure how it's happened. Maybe it's due to the recent event that I was turned down for a job that I really wanted. Maybe it's due to the annoying intern that recently left to go to Grad School in another state. Or maybe, I was just headed this way all along.
I'm bored with my current position. Just plain bored. I've been doing the same job for 3 years now. I know that's not a long time, but I'm one of those people who, if they're not learning something new or feel challenged, they're ready for something new.
So, I've been sitting here for the last week or so wondering what it is I want to do with the rest of my life. A few options have come up. I could go to Pharmacy School - which is a total career change for me. I've always wanted to do something in the medical field, but with my
queezy stomach and fear of needles and blood, I knew this was not really an option.... Until I heard about Pharmacy School. Yes, they have to learn how to give shots and such, but for only about a week. I could handle that.
So, what would Pharmacy School take? I'd have to take 6 undergraduate classes (since my degree is a Bachelor of Business and not a Bachelor of Science). Then, I'd have to take test. And then, I'd have to entail 4 long years of going to school full time (18 & 19 hour semesters) and pay around $5,000 per semester. This means I wouldn't be able to work. While hubs said that this is still an option, I have
veto'd it out. It's no longer an option.
Second... I could go back and get my Masters. Which, is something I've wanted to do for the past few years. It would only take 10 classes and I'd be done. Only problem with this is... What would I do with my Masters? It's not like that would automatically give me a new and exciting job. Plus, I'd still get bored after a certain amount of time, I'm sure.
So, that 2
nd option is on the back burner. Option #3... Find a new job. Well, given the state of the economy, that's a tad difficult. Plus, I love the company I work for now. Only problem is, they don't have any openings. Also, why would I leave a secure job where I make a nice chunk of change at...and go to something that may be less secure? Yeah. Not a good option either.
So, I'm stuck. Plain and simple. Plus, add in there, the whole.. "I want to have a child before I turn 30" thing.. That makes things a little more difficult too, when you're thinking of going back to school. There's no way I could go to school full time, work full time, and raise a child. Or for that matter, go to school part time...
So.. anyone have any suggestions?