Learn to keep my mouth shut! :) That was one of my NY Resolutions, right? Yep, I think I recall something like that. Well, last night would've been one of those moments.
The instructor from Hell asked me to answer a question - in a philosophical manner, yet this is a MIS class, but whatev, we'll roll with it - but before I could answer, he said "How do I know you?"
My response? "Well, I had you for COBOL in undergrad, but dropped you. Then, you were my advisor, but I switched advisors."
He then says, "So, did you only take this course with me because I'm the only one teaching it this semester?"
Me? "Yes, you could say that."
Him... "So, I guess we know where we stand."
In other words.... Hello Mr. Man that I can't stand. Yes, I took your course because you were the only one teaching it and had I the choice of taking a different instructor I would've. But, since I didn't have that choice, just know that you and I are not going to agree on many things, but I'm just going to do the best that I can to make an A in this course and move on.
Anyways, last night was a very agonizing 3 hours and it looks like every Monday for the next who-knows-how-many weeks will be the same way. To give you a little background on Mr Man himself, he has a PhD in Philosophy. I have no idea how he got into teaching MIS courses and I'd really love to ask the Department Chair that very question, but have decided it's not in my best interest to do so. LOL Otherwise, the man is near 70 and speaks so quietly that he usually has to have a microphone, but alas, that microphone is broken...so everyone was super quiet, turned off the air/heat, and strained to hear him. All the while, he's asking you questions...in which you answer...and he turns around and picks apart your answer. Sounds fun, right?
Case in point... (I'll shut up after this, I promise.).. One of the questions I got the joy of answering was this: The arithmetic mean of a classes' IQ is 100. Jon's IQ is 160. Would Jon's 4 siblings be less smart, more smart, or as smart as Jon? (Um, hello this is an MIS class, but we're rollin' with it...) I said less smart, since the mean is 100, then it seems that Jon has an above average IQ and blah blah blah... the probability of his siblings being above average is less since the overall mean is 100.
His rebuttal? I'm wrong of course, because I didn't take in consideration that genetics plays a huge part in a person's IQ - according to him, of course. And since the siblings have the same parent's...same genes.. yada yada.
So, long story....long... this is gonna be a long semester!
Have ya'll ever had a horrible instructor that you had to take? How did you make it through the semester?
Edited to add: Today's Bible Verse/Lesson on the Proverb's blog:
"The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences." Proverbs 18:21 (NLT)
Sign taken.
Chicken Lo Mein
1 day ago
He sounds like a real prize. Sorry you are stuck with him. I'd just try to lay low and get thru it. Hang in there!
I guess it's a requirement to have one bad professor during grad school. I did, too. Just do the best you can and then you will be out of there. The bright side? You only have to see him once a week. Good luck in grad school. I know you'll do great!
I've never had to take philosophy, but from all my friend's who've had, they've never had a professor who wasn't from hell. Maybe it's his job to be kind of a jerk just in order to provoke abstract thinking? Either way, I don't envy you having to put up with him all semester! Hopefully it flies by!
Girl, I am in your same boat. I had the worse Prof last semester..he was a compplete ass when I asked him for help on a project and ever since I told him I am paying you x amount of dollars to teach me, things just haven't been the same. He hates me. He also gave me a 3.6 when I got 100% on every assignment except one which wouldn't warrant the grade. As my luck would have it, I have him again this semester. I cringe just listening to his voice. I am going to kiss his ass and be uber polite because I will not be getting a 3.6 again. Good Luck and may the semester pass by quickly.
oh boy. it's going to be a looooong semester indeed
Sounds like a horrible class. Your response about how you knew him made me crack up! That's the perfect verse for your day! Haha! Hope today is a calmer day for you!
He's sounds like a true winner! Boy have I had my fair share of bad professors, and mostly in my graduate courses. Why is that?
Ugh he sounds not great and I'm sorry. I hate bad profs and I had my share of them in undergrad, LAME!
Oh grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! That is not cool at all! Um, I think I spend the whole semester praying that it would be over... Grin and bear it. :(
My first and second year of college I had the worst poli sci teacher EVER! But I kept ending up with him for all these classes I NEEDED to take. It was horrible.
Now I have some pretty terrible instructors but I'm pretty much STUCK with them because my program only has four instructors and I only like one of them!
OMG I got nothing for you but he sounds AWFUL. Maybe you should heed the bible verse's advice and bite your tongue while in his class. Good luck!
Girl that sucks!! I had a professor like that and I eventually dropped the class and changed my major. haha
Luckily you only have to see him once a week. Hopefully those weeks will fly by! Good luck!
ahhhh that sounds excrutiating! I have a teacher right now who keeps keeping us late (and the class runs until 9:40pm central time anyways) By the time I get home it's bedtime....and the sad thing is we dont even learn anything. He just tells story after story about himself...sigh.... the things we pay to be put through....
Ack, I hope this guy doesn't give you a hard time all semester!
goo luck and hang in there! it's only one semester.
Since you're stuck with him, just think of the positive things about the class. That's what teachers are told to do with students who are "rough." Well, that's what I try to do anyway. I hope it gets better!!
Educational Psychology...the guy hadn't taught in an actual public school classroom since 1965 and he swore up and down that things hadn't changed. No one in the class could make sense of what he was teaching and we had 32 mantra-type things to memorize (which I immediately forgot after the final). It's the only class in my major I received a poor grade in. And of course, it was one of those classes that had the attendance policy of no absences unless you're dead. My hubby had the same guy 5 years earlier.
Poor thing. That just plain sucks.
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