Monday, February 2, 2009

Weekend In Review...With Pictures!

We had a pretty decent weekend this weekend. We didn't do a whole lot, but still, it was nice. This was the first and last free weekend that we had - as hubs has had to work past and future weekends. Ugh. Anyways, our weekend went as follows....

Friday night: We went out to eat at Colton's and used our last gift card. (We received about $90 in Colton's gift cards at Christmas.) Then, we headed over to Target to purchase a movie (that I can't remember the name to) with another gift card. (Did I mention we received lots of gift cards for Christmas?) Then, we went to Kroger's to buy some Triple Chocolate Chunk Brownies. One of my friends from work, Joseph, has made them twice now and I decided that I must make a box for the hubs and myself. Now, some of you may or may not know, but I love to eat brownie batter (or any batter, really)...So I immediately thought of Jenn and our convo we had about this and grabbed the camera and asked hubs to snap some pictures. Yes, he thought I was crazy, but what's new?

Lovely, right?

Saturday: We finally took our old table to the Salvation Army and donated it. Our new table has been in our living room for a little over a week now. So, it was a blessing to actually move it out of there and reclaim our living room!! We bought a small table, as we have a very small space to put it in and the last table was just overwhelming the area. Below is a picture and yes, that is a Brink's Security sign in the floor and no I haven't attempted to decorate that bowl in the middle. LOL Please don't ask about the sign, I haven't an answer! :O)

And to be honest, I don't remember what we did Saturday night besides visit the liquor store in the next town over. Let me just say, that there were a lot of crazies out there! I stayed in the Beast and watched the idiots in the parking one point there were 5 people backing out at once and I watched a young lady pull out and drive without any headlights on!! Crazies!

Sunday: I went grocery shopping (yay), had a dramatic moment, and then we grilled out! We had some yummy cheeseburgers and homemade fries! Here is a picture of two of our boys - the 3rd was out in the yard somewhere. Please excuse the dirty window - the retriever likes to jump up and put his paws all over it. Also, poor Rocky's jacket is crooked and torn! Poor baby!

They were waiting there for hubs to cook their hotdogs! Yes, when we grill out - the babies get special grilled food, too!

And lastly....
I took this picture before heading out to surprise the hubs last Saturday. I say she'd enjoy this picture because she's the one who put this great idea out there - she takes a picture of herself every morning before heading out - to see what she looks like - isn't that a great idea? And since I was meeting hub's co-workers (some for the first time) I wanted to make sure I didn't look like a circus freak! I have no idea why the picture is blurry, btw.


Cammie said...

I loooooove the table!

Jennifer said...

Ah, brownie batter. You are a gal after my own heart! (o: I love your fun grin with your bowl of it! I am still fairly uninterested in sweets - as a matter of fact, I made brownies for a friend the other day and didn't even lick the bowl. I don't know what's wrong with me!

PS - Love your new table - looks great!

Brandi said...

Like you I would almost rather eat the batter than the treat itself!! Love the table and chairs! Where did you get it at?

Jenn said...

I am SOOO proud! You look cute!

The Branches said...

you are so goofy! I love the pics of you licking the batter! And the new table is so pretty :)

Suz said...

Love the table... How great are gift cards, wohoo!!! :)

Bonnie said...

I like that your silly too & you post what you feel ;) Sounds like you had a great weekend!
Girl, if we lived closer together, maybe we could be gym partners! I think you should totally move to Vegas - in my opinion ;) Haha! Have a great day!