Today's Topic: Something You Hate About Yourself.
Let's see...
I really dislike the back of my thighs. Who doesn't, right? That's probably the only thing that I really, really hate about myself. And, I'm pretty sure that I could change it {some} if I went to the gym all. But, alas, Grad School takes up my time right now - darn it, I mentioned that again.
No, but seriously, I plan on going back to the gym at some regular occurrence soon. Really soon. Then, maybe I wouldn't hate the back of my thighs so much. :)
I don't like how I get so anxious in social settings - especially around people that I don't know that well or who aren't normally in my circle of friends. This is one of the main reasons why I don't "do" a lot of stuff with my friends. Sure, we keep up on Facebook, but that's about it. Plus, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy sitting on the couch, watching some good tv with the hubs instead. :)
I hate my thighs all the way around! So at least you only dislike the backs of yours! ha! :) I think you look great!
Where did you hear about this challenge! Fun! I don't like the back of my thighs either... and my butt for that matter!
I think even the word thigh is just ugly. It reminds me of chicken. (o: I like the 30 days of truth thing - very cool. Looking forward to reading more.
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